The loss of a tooth can often be frustrating. The exploration of replacement options for missing teeth often lead to the research of dental implants. Dental implants are an exceptional optional when it comes to replacing a tooth, but often that excellence can come with a massive cost. This may result in delaying the replacement of the missing tooth. More often than not, this could lead to several health issues.

The benefits dental implants touch all aspects of life. Your mouth is a well-oiled machine and your teeth allow you to chew food, and your food provides you with the nutrients you need to be healthy. If you suddenly lose a tooth, your full set of teeth cannot operate properly. Though the loss of one or two teeth may seem insignificant, all of your teeth are necessary for proper chewing. Acid reflux and other health issues associated with digestion can occur if your food is not properly chewed. If the area around the missing tooth is not taken care of, gum disease and tooth decay may occur. Also, self-confidence issues may occur if the space where the missing tooth is can be visible when talking or smiling. This affects both physical and mental aspects of life.

If dental implants are so great, why are they so expensive? The implant itself is a titanium piece that resembles a bolt or screw that is “implanted” into your jaw. The gums grow around this metal piece and the implant now serves as the root equivalent of your replacement tooth. The next step is the crown. This is the piece that will serve as the visible part of the tooth. This crown is unique to you; you will not find two crowns that are identical to each other. That’s because the crown is designed with a specific shape, color, and bite for you specifically. They look and feel as natural as real teeth do.

Now that we’ve covered up the actual make of the implant, it is important to examine the required steps taken to ensure that the implant is successful. Firstly, the dentist will take a set of X-Rays to determine your jaw’s health to ensure that the implant will be successful. If the bone density of your jaw is not thick enough, then your dentist will need to do a bone graft to build the bone back up. The actual placement requires a procedure complete by the dentist and his assistants. Once the dentist has ensured that the implant has successfully adapted to your jaw line, the dentist then creates your crown. He measures the space to ensure a perfect fit, takes a mold of your bite in order to mold  your crown in such a way that will work with the rest of your teeth. Lastly, the doctor matches the crown to the color of your teeth to make it seem as if the crown is your own tooth.

The cost may seem like a lot when you view a dental implant as an object. However, viewing the replacement as a process allows you to see the reasons behind the cost. Ultimately, your mouth will be as good as new once your dental implant is complete!